Saturday, October 13

Macro on a Budget

Sometimes you've just got a fever and there's only one cure: More macro. And if you want those delicious, detail-rich extreme close ups you can end up shelling out about $1,000 for a dedicated macro lens. Or, if you're cheap like me you can try out this macro bellows set up for about $40.

How It Works

The macro bellows allows you to use any of your lenses as a macro. Basically, you're increasing the magnification factor of your lens by extending the distance between your lens and your camera's sensor. It's a decidedly low-tech, low cost method. But, it does the job.

Quick Review

Overall, I'm pretty impressed with how the bellows works. It feels solid, attaches firmly to lens and camera, and lends your rig a decidedly old school photography vibe. It's Ansel all the way. And, it gives you some serious magnification power. With a little experimentation, I was easily getting 3:1 ratios. That's 3x actual size of the object. That's pretty sweet.

Downside? As you'll see in the photos below, this thing isn't exactly portable. Although to be honest, you're not exactly going to be going run-n-gun on those macro shots, are you?

Here's a look at how it works. For more sample shots and sample video footage, check out my real blog over at

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