Wednesday, November 21

the farm table

The hand-me-down table that  was the only bit of my housewares my classy wife would allow into our lives together has met it’s shabby match with this hand-built farm table.
A kitchen table is important to us. It’s the place where you spend lazy Saturday mornings reading and sipping coffee. It’s where friends gather. Where we converse. Where we live.
Ever since we moved we’ve been on the lookout for a dinning table that would fit our space.When we couldn’t find one we liked through the usual channels, Sarah discovered a nifty little shop near downtown McKinney where they’d make a farm table to order. The wood is reclaimed from an old front porch – floor boards for the top and porch columns for the legs.
Sarah didn’t know about the accent drawer. That was a little surprise from me.
Bret helped me haul the table and matching bench home today. The nice thing about finding beat up furniture is that any accidental scratches just add to the look. But all the same, don’t get any ideas, Brown Dog.
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