Saturday, November 7

Working with ChristianWorks

Over the last several weeks, I've had the chance to learn about an outstanding organization called ChristianWorks. ChristianWorks offers professional counseling free of charge to people who are struggling through the tough stuff of life -- like a death in the family, illness, and marriage troubles. Their professional counselors work with people of all ages from their top-notch facility in Dallas. It's quality work done from a biblical perspective.

You can check out their wide range of services on their website: It's a good thing to put in your back pocket for the future. Maybe for you, maybe for a friend.

ChristianWorks also has an adoption service that helps connect qualified couples with expectant mothers who find themselves with an unplanned pregnancy. I put together a series of videos for their website -- real life stories of how they're helping people. Here's an example...

The Erwins' Adoption Story - AdoptionWorks from ChristianWorks for Children on Vimeo.

Click on the video for more stories....

It's so encouraging to see some believers who get it, and put faith to action.


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