Sunday, May 10

Finding the Farm

I celebrate the end of my first year at DTS with my GPS...hunting for something off the beaten path. It's one of my favorite things to do -- snooping around places I'd never normally go. It's called geocaching. You can learn more about geocaching here.


  1. Awesome. And I think the hat TOTALLY made the video.

  2. THANK YOU FOR DOING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Okay, you should seriously have your own geocaching show on the Travel Channel, because that was awesome! And if you had your own show, you could TOTALLY have a sidekick that you could have stick their digits in scary holes and stuff. I mean, come on!

    And who knows? All I had to do was say "You should totally have a video blog." And you did! So, "You should totally have your own geocaching show on the Travel Channel."



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